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Kennedy to Sotto: Apologize

By N Mark Castro

After months of misplaced confidence, Sen Tito Sotto finally faces yet a new yet formidable complaint against his plagiarism and this time with no less than Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy, and president of the RFK Center for Justice & Human Rights.

It’s still a wonder among Filipinos how and why the senator continues to ignore the public clamor for his apology. Instead, he continues to blame everyone as publicity-hungry citizens who don’t know any better.

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The Never-Ending Political Saga of Senator Tito Sotto, Plagiarist

By N. Mark Castro

Riding high on his misplaced righteousness that God Himself, in His Infinite Wisdom, depends solely on the magnitude of the Senator’s crusade against the controversial RH Bill.

It is a proposition so powerful all the priests and bishops and pastors of the Christian persuasion are screaming of infinite doom. It is a proposition so abominable it has divided a nation, rocked its politics, subverted the truth and, more importantly, catapulted one Senator Tito Sotto in the global spectrum of folly. Whereas in his former TV show, he boasted of being seen “Mula Aparri Hanggang Jolo” which, according to Philippine geography, is the length and breadth of the country. Whereas in the once august halls of the Philippine Senate, he can boast of being seen, heard, and read all over the world as plagiarist that refuses to bow; and, worse, a recidivist that sees nothing but his innocence.

How can he ask for forgiveness when, in his privileged mind, he is right. He has always been right.

And in his pursuit for local recognition, he received global recognition instead.


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Charlotte Setijadi

Anthropologist of Chinese Communities and Migration in Southeast Asia


Street Photography • Astrophotography • iPhoneography • Portraits


Faces and Places


Public Relations as I think it should be


This site is the bee's knees


any screen one goals, Yours

Don Charisma

because anything is possible with Charisma

We'll Always have Casablanca

Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow...but soon! And for the rest of your life.


a multi-hyphenate | journalist | actress | mc | moderator | public speaker

blueVisions Indonesia

Certainty, Innovation, Excellence.

Health & Family

A healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit


my collection of love & hearts for you and from you, around the world


Confronting stupid people with the cold hard conservative fist of truth


...of wander & wonders

Parenting And Stuff

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Viewpoint Neutral

Essays, Law and Politics